
Jun 11, 2008

Tom Boonen Cocaine Bust

I promise there will be more of these in the future, especially when the Tour is closer to happening.

Major news for today - yesterday I read that my favorite cyclist Tom Boonen tested positive for cocaine in an out of competition drug test. He only admitted that he was "not perfect" (according to Eurosport). This is pretty disappointing to say the least. The guy is only 27, he's a fantastic athlete, and now everything could be wrecked for him. Apparently he may face jail time if convicted (Belgium's star athlete - I don't think so), but he will not face any repercussions from the UCI. Seems to me like the nature of the UCI is to go after anyone for merely taking a Tylenol during a race - so it's odd that they wouldn't try.

Also - someone on a reply post to an article about this and compared it to performance enhancing drugs - HA! This is ridiculous.

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